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Bridal Shower and the Bachelorette Party Together =Bridal Bash

Updated: Oct 6, 2021

Yay… you have been honored with the title of maid of honor, matron of honor or bridesmaid. As you may already know, being asked to stand next to and support your friend, sister, cousin, whatever your relationship, is no simple task. Other than wearing, hopefully, a beautiful dresses and fixing your bride’s veil, part of your tasks is the well awaited bachelorette party and bridal shower.

Many throw these events separately. In the event many guests have to travel from out of town or there are financial and time considerations, it is a great opportunity to do these events at the same time. The issue is, how do you in cooperate both events into one amazing time?

We are glad you asked. We shall call it a “Bridal Bash.”

A fabulous way to have the class of a bridal shower, with gifts and such, but still turn up with laughter and a bit of inappropriate fun, if that’s the bride’s thing. Here are a few ideas to execute the perfect bridal bash.


Make sure it is clear on the invitation that this is a bridal shower and bachelorette party together. This will inform guests what to expect when they arrive. It’s always nice to give guests a heads up that things may get a little steamy.

We included the request for lingerie/underwear for one of the games on the invitation. This can be emailed but also save on the expense of having to print another component to the invite. It also ensures that the guests get the lingerie memo. Also indicate if this is a surprise, so no one accidentally spills the beans.

Food and Décor

Depending on where and what time you are throwing the event, including cost considerations, finger foods, a full meal and or drinks can be included. Maybe you are just serving deserts, but make it clear on the invitation.

Again, depending on time and other considerations, décor can be simple or extravagant. But we highly doubt your quest will care what the centerpieces look like, or the lack there of. They are there to have a great time. Adding a customized welcome sign is always a nice touch.

Let the Games Begin

As guests arrive collect the lingerie/underwear they have brought, out of view of the bride to be. Place all the lingerie in one gift bag, making sure to keep any sets together. Hold onto this for a later game.

After you have welcomed the guests, let the fun begin.


In the event that most of the guests may not know each other, an ice breaker activity is a great way to get everyone up and getting to know who is there to support the bride. There are so many games to choose from, but a classic game of BINGO is always a hit.

You can easily create your own bingo cards, with your own clues on Each guest can have the same card or a unique card. The winner may be give a simple gift; candles, wine, wine glasses, fancy soap, etc. It really doesn’t have to be extravagant, they are here to support the bride.

Presented the bride with her “bride to be” shirt and all the bridesmaids put theirs on as well. There are so many options. There are many do it yourself (DIY) options that will help cut the cost, by purchasing the decals and getting your own shirts from Walmart or another store. Not to mention, DIY also gives you the flexibility to be more creative with the color and styles.

The Toilet Paper Bride

This game requires your guests to get creative and use their imagination. But these Crafty Belles have added quite the twist that adds whole new level of fun and laughter.

Items needed

2 to 4 rolls of toilet paper per team

Tape (Optional, this is helpful if time is an issue. Makes it easier for the teams to create the dresses)

Bluetooth or connectable portable speaker

Score cards

Prizes (Optional, one prize per team member)


Divide the guests into equal teams, teams of four to five works best to ensure everyone is able to be hands on. Explain the rules- The bride to be is the judge

  1. Each team will select a bride and create a wedding dress using the toilet paper and tape

  2. Each team will be judged in the following categories; Dress creativity- how unique or accurate the dress is, catwalk-how the bride walks the aisle to her soon to be hubby, music choice-music the bride walks down the aisle to, and the vows- express her love to her life-long love.

  3. Set a timer for the amount of time that the teams have to complete the tasks, 20 to 25mins, should be plenty of time.

  4. The host or a member of the bridal party will walk around to each team to get the music choice for each team.

  5. Once the timer is up, it’s time for the real fun to start. I highly suggest someone record this, it is hilarious to watch over and over again.

  6. The bride shall sit at the end of the make shift aisle. The host or another bridesmaid should operate the music as each “toilet paper bride” struts her stuff down the aisle. End the music as the “toilet paper bride” reaches the bride to be.

  7. The “toilet paper bride” will say her vows to the bride to be.

  8. The bride to be will judge score the “toilet paper brides” in each of the categories using the score card below.

After each teams “toilet paper bride” walks the runway. Tally up the score. Announce the winning group and present them with their prizes.

Because these Crafty Belles have a very inappropriate sense of humor, here are the games prizes that the winning team received, personalized with some fun sayings. Unfortunately, because as we were having such a great time, we did not take pictures of these fun glasses filled with “adult juice” but here is a link.

Our winners had to, uh, suck these down. The room erupted in laughter. Even the older women in the room had a great laugh, and unsurprisingly, were the most inappropriate. But, totally read the room, know your bride and who their guests might be. Some nice scented candles would have totally suffice, but this is where we brought in the fun and bachelorette party vibes.

These are personalized with permanent vinyl saying; "Just the Tip, Licked it so it's Mine, Balls Deep and Deep Throat."

Lingerie Game

Include these directions on the invitation or on a separate paper with the invitation. This is a great game for a destination bridal shower/bachelorette party.

Please bring 1 BRAND NEW pair of underwear or lingerie in YOUR favorite style in a size medium (the bride’s size). These will be gifted to the bride to be after the game ends.


  1. Mix up the bag of lingerie collected at the beginning of the bridal bash.

  2. Ask all the guest that brought lingerie or underwear to line up and the bride in front of them.

  3. Explain that they pick a random piece of lingerie/underwear from the bag, if they accidentally pick their own, hold onto it.

  4. The bride has to try to match which guest brought which lingerie by having them swap.

  5. When she matches a person to their presumed item, they shall step aside, creating a new line.

  6. Once the bride has made her matches, the host will ask all the participants who are correctly matched with their lingerie to step forward.

  7. Count up how many the bride got correctly.

  8. All participants then swap to get the item they brought and return to the line. This is always surprising and hilarious to see what the guests brought. They say you can tell a lot by the kind of underwear you wear.

  9. Collect all the underwear and lingerie from the participants and present them to the bride.

Wrap it up, maybe

As the host, thank the guest for celebrating the bride to be. Maybe the bride to be has a few words herself. But totally feel free to continue to fun with an after party at a club or bar. But depending on the location, maybe you want to bring in some, uhhh, adult entertainment.

But this party combo took up about two hours. And what a delightful two hours of fun and laughter it was.

Party Favors

Remind guests to take party favors if there are provided. It really doesn't have to be anything expensive or super personalized. Just a small thank you token for helping you celebrate the bride to be.

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